Data Centers
Data Centers

Data Center Access to Busways



A cloud computing company client required a motorized lift with a narrow base to improve ergonomic safety for their workers when reaching busways. The lift also needed to fit through a standard door for shipping and transit.

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i case study

Client Need:

A new data center facility being developed in Austin, TX had some late add-ons that resulted in extra overhead conduit, making the already tight upper-level access to the busways even tighter. Standard off-the-shelf products, such as mini-Genie lifts, scissor lifts and JLG lifts, were able to service much of the facility but were unable to accommodate the overhead space constraints and provide the safe overreach required during cable laying and maintenance at the top of the racks.


The client found Spika through a Google image search for data center lifts and saw the profile of Spika’s IT stand, which was designed specifically for the restrictions of a data center. They reached out to Spika to design an extremely narrow stand that could fit in the skinny aisles of the data center to provide ergonomic extended overreach to the busways, while also being able to compress down to accommodate overhead obstructions and fit through a standard door for transit.

Technical Information:

  • Platform width less than 30” to support a single user
  • Working height range (deck height) of 5.5’ - 8.5’
  • Electric height adjustability that could support 40-60 up/down cycles per day on single battery charge
  • Fold-out railing to support the weight of a person while installing cables
  • Manual mobility with motorized drive caster assist
  • Telescopic rails to compress the stand so it could fit through a standard-sized doorway
  • Eliminated potential for any data transmission or reception - ICD 705 (Electronics Restrictions)
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